Telepathe @ 93 Feet East, Brick Lane. May 11th


What? Telepathe

Telepathe is one of my favourite new bands and evidently I’m in good company, as David Sitek (TV On The Radio) also loves this Brooklyn girl duo. So much so in fact that he produced their latest album, the brilliant Dance Mother. Their sound is tripped out, hypnotic dance music with lush synths, electronic beats and mesmerising female vocals. I love it.
For fans of: TV On The Radio, School Of Seven Bells, The Deer Tracks.

When?  Monday, May 11th.

Where? 93 Feet East, Brick Lane.

How Much? £8.50

Tickets? ticketweb *SOS   *MM

mp3: Telepathe – So Fine
buy: Dance Mother from Pure Groove / 7digital

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