Wave Machines @ Islington Academy, May 18th.

What? Wave Machines are from Liverpool and write the most wonderful lo-fi, off kilter indie disco tunes I’ve heard all year. They bring with them Colourmusic hot off the heels of some inspired SXSW performances and Blue Roses who have been attracting attention from all for their stunning electro-acoustic ramblings. Wave Machines have occasion to celebrate with their debut album due out June 15th. Join them and rejoice! For Fans Of: The Beta Band, The Rapture, Prince.

Colourmusic are led by song-writer Roy G Biv (false name actually taken from the childhood method of remembering the colours of a rainbow) who is protecting his identity due to his descendency from Isaac Newton or some tosh like that! Sounds amusing and thankfully the music does also. A big sound that I haven’t quite pinned down yet but maybe this is close, For Fans Of: The Beta Band, Polyphonic Spree.

Blue Roses is in fact Laura Groves from Shipley, near Bradford and is a little easier to pigeon hole but no less exciting a prospect. Laura has a wonderful voice and puts a modern pscyh’ spin on the classic female singer-songwriter mould. For Fans Of: Joni Mitchell, Kate Bush, Cocteau Twins.

When? Monday, May 18th. 7PM

Where? Islington Academy, Islington.

How Much? £8.50

Tickets? ticketweb

mp3: Wave Machines – The Greatest Escape We Ever Made

mp3: Colourmusic – Put In A Little Gas

mp3: Blue Roses – I am Leaving

pre-order: Wave Machines – Wave If You’re Really There

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